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The Sixth AP-PPN Annual Conference, Hong Kong, China, 2021


Department of Asian and Policy Studies at EdUHK

Founded in September 2012, the Department of Asian and Policy Studies (APS) aims to create positive change by examining local and global policies and creating academic programmes that respond to the changing needs of vulnerable individuals and groups in Asian societies and beyond. As a department that is renowned for its strength on research, we work on a variety of policy areas including aging, education, governance, health, energy, gender, inequality, population, migration, urbanization, poverty and so on.

Our faculty members are passionate educators. Our educational mission is to provide passionate and committed Asians with the advanced knowledge and skills they need to become the next generation of social innovators. We work with students to help create a better world through active involvement in our community. The knowledge they gain from such community work can then inform the policies and programmes we design to address disparities in well being and to promote sustainable development, to challenge inequity so as to create an equitable, affordable society.

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