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Network Governance*


1. The AP-PPN is managed by a Steering committee composed of no more than 15 individuals who collectively represent the regions of the Asia-Pacific as well as different methods and approaches in the discipline, with an effort made to achieve gender parity and include representation by rank, including Phd students and post-doctoral fellows. 


2. Included ex-officio on the Steering Committee are the immediate Past President, the Organizers of the past three annual general meetings, the Digital Content and Social Media Manager, and the Local Organizers of future AGMs. The remaining members of the Steering Committee will be nominated by the President and ratified at the next Annual General Meeting  following a Call for Nominations issued in the event of a vacancy. 


3. The normal term of a Steering Committee member is three years, renewable once.


4. The Steering Committee shall elect from among its members a President, who shall serve for a three year term. The immediate past Local Organizer shall serve as Chief Electoral Officer and organize the election.


5. The President or delegate shall Chair the AGM and present a report on the state of the network at that time, work with the Local organizer and network social media manager to ensure the proper organization of each meeting and the network social media presence and liaise with outside groups as needed.

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